RealePink is a place for women with breast cancer and those at risk for the disease
to share their thoughts and experiences, especially those related to the mind body self-care practices

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Meditation and Your Immune System

This fall, as the cold and flu season approaches, meditation could strengthen your immune system and build up your resistance.

Research at the University of Wisconsin indicates, “A meditation habit can strengthen the body's immune function, plus increase brain performance in the form of electrical activity. It validates the mind-body dynamic of meditation. To gauge immune function, the researchers measured antibodies in the blood that fight flu and other infections. Volunteer subjects in the study who meditated had significantly higher levels of these healthful antibodies than non-meditators in just one to two months. – Bob Condor, Tribune Newspapers 11/29/09

Before the colors of autumn give way to winter, consider that this might be the perfect time for you to develop a habit of daily meditation. One of the easiest ways to get started is by practicing various forms of walking meditation

This can mean 20-30 minute walks focusing on your breath, the feeling of your feet on the ground, the movement of your body, and the colors, shapes, and sounds around you. By paying attention to the present moment, any moment can be a beautiful one.

Even if you are inside, a walk up the stairs at work or a lap around the shopping mall can be soothing and strengthening. The repetitive nature of walking and focusing on your breath, your body, and the present moment might be just the thing to get you off on the right foot this fall. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Physical Activity and Breast Cancer

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Recent findings of the National Cancer Institute indicate that there is strong evidence that physical activity is associated with reduced risk of cancers. Researchers have established that regular physical activity can improve health. Researchers are learning that physical activity can also affect the risk of cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that adults “engage in moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 30 minutes on five or more days of the week,” or “engage in vigorous-intensity physical activity for at least 20 minutes on three or more days of the week.”

Research indicates that physical activity after a diagnosis of breast cancer may be beneficial in improving quality of life, reducing fatigue, and assisting with energy balance,  a term used to describe how weight, diet, and physical activity influence health.

Consider the extent of your physical activity during an average week and changes you may need to make to achieve the suggested level of health benefit. This fall might be your time to focus on fitness for your future. Get a walking buddy, join an exercise program, take up a sport or move along with an exercise video. There are many enjoyable ways to getting moving and reap the benefits of physical activity. Enjoy your body!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

RealePink Forum

Share your thoughts and experiences. Reaching out to others can provide much needed understanding and support. Comments, questions, or experiences to related to mind body self-care practices are encouraged. These include meditation, mindfulness, exercise, positive thinking, nutrition, social support and connection with nature.

Participants in the RealeWell Self-Care Camp may find that sharing their experiences on RealePink's Forum is helpful and gives voice to their experience.