Coming this fall...
6 WEEK Self-Care Camp
Restore and renew your mind, body, and spiritual nature. Find your personal path to wellness with preventative self-care. Self-Care Camp offers a comprehensive plan to help you develop a stress busting, wellness building, active, and contemplative lifestyle.
Order Be Well - A Guide to Compassionate Self-Care. This e-workbook for Self-Care Camp and a guide to mind body self-care and compassionate living, offering wellness tools, self-care information, and daily practice experiences to develop a healthy habit of preventative self-care.
To register for Self-Care Camp fill out the registration form below. Start now. Feel better. Register with family and friends and share your thoughts and experiences at or RealePink (for breast cancer survivors). Self-Care Camp and are based on decades of clinical research at major institutions and include instructions for daily self-care, along with an optional faith perspective. Over the course of this 6-week program, the suggested Daily Practices offer experiences in meditation, mindfulness and movement. Daily Practices can increase your awareness of the mind body connection, help you develop a healthy habit of preventative compassionate self-care and provide a positive path to wellness.
What if putting your life in less mental boxes helped you feel better, live better and smile more often? Consider that your mind and body are one. Everything you do, say, think and express has an effect on everything else. Each day holds endless possibilities for change, growth, and renewal. Understanding and utilizing the mind and body connection can make a positive difference in your health and happiness.
Self-Care Camp - 6 Week Program
Weekly Topics in Be Well e-workbook*
Week 1
The Mind Body Connection
Mind, Body, Faith, and Compassionate Awareness
Week 2
Connect to Your Body
Reducing the Effects of Stress on Your Body
Sensory Awareness
Week 3
Connect to Your Mind
Awareness of Your Thoughts and Emotions
Stress Busting Strategies
Week 4
Connect to Eating and Movement
Nurturing Yourself
Compassion for Self, the Joy of Eating and Movement
Week 5
Connect to Nature
Healing and the Natural World, a Restorative Source
Week 6
Compassion and Health
Empathy, Gratitude, Generosity, Forgiveness, Kindness
Creating a RealeWell Lifestyle
* Weekly topics include Daily Practice exercises in meditation, mindfulness, movement, creative activity and personal interaction, all of which can be done with an optional spiritual/faith perspective.